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The name "Christadelphian" means "brothers [and sisters] in Christ". The Christadelphians are a world-wide community who share a common faith in the teachings of God in the Bible and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord.

The members share fellowship with like-minded fellow believers who have been baptised (as adults) into Christ's death and resurrection. The faith we hold is that revealed to Israel in the Hebrew Scriptures and taught by Jesus Himself and then his apostles in the first century.


We share the hope of resurrection from the sleep of death to eternal life at the future time of Christ's return to the earth when he will reign as king of the world from the city of Jerusalem, as he himself taught.

Leamington Christadelphians have been witnessing in the Leamington area for more than 100 years and have met at the Christadelphian Hall, 12a Kenilworth Road for over forty years. All our arrangements are acknowledged as "God Willing".


The Christadelphians in Leamington are ordinary people from all sorts of different backgrounds. In common with our

fellow-believers around the world,  we prayerfully read the Bible daily, believing that it was written under the inspiration of God's Holy Spirit.


We believe the Bible interprets itself to reveal its truth and make no claim to have received any special revelation direct from God ourselves.


We meet every week on Sunday to remember the Lord's sacrifice for our sins at a "Breaking of Bread" service of worship and praise. We have no paid ministry or hierarchy and run our services and activities ourselves. Each of our assemblies – known as “ecclesias” – is independent and self-governing and linked to other ecclesias by the acceptance of a common “Statement of Faith”.


All expenses and costs incurred by our activities are covered voluntarily by the Christadelphians ourselves and we ask no contribution from visitors.


You can also seek more information about us by going to the Contact Us section.

About Christadelphians



Our Breaking of Bread service is held at 11.30am each Sunday morning. This meeting is for Christadelphians to remember the death and resurrection of Jesus by sharing bread and wine, as he commanded.


Our Bible Hour takes place on Sunday mornings at 10:30am.  Talks and illustrated presentations are given on many aspects of Bible teaching, suitable for friends who are seeking to know more concerning basic Christian doctrines, and the practical issues of Christian living in the modern world. Central to most talks is our firm conviction of the coming return of the Lord Jesus Christ to establish God's kingdom and the vital part the Jews have to play in God's purpose.


Our Bible Class is held on Wednesday evenings at 7.45pm. Speakers explore topics from all parts of the Word of God in order to develop our understanding of God’s ways and to encourage Christ-centred living.

Occasional Special Lectures or Bible Reading Seminar Series are arranged at different venues in the area.

All our arrangements are acknowledged as being "God Willing".

Services Info
Contact 2



The Christadelphians in Leamington are ordinary people from all sorts of different backgrounds. In common with our fellow-believers around the world,  we prayerfully read the Bible daily, believing that it was written under the inspiration of

God's Holy Spirit. 


Leamington Christadelphian Hall 12a Kenilworth Road

Leamington Spa


CV32 5TL


© 2018 Leamington Christadelphians. Created by Follis Creative

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